Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Camp!

I just got back from summer camp and it totally rocked!!!!!! I made a ton of new friends and learned a lot. I'm so going back next year! It's called Great Books Summer Program and the website is greatbookssummer.com. You can go to either Stanford University or Amherst University (Stanford's the best) and stay for 1, 2, or 3 weeks. Basically, you just read, have discussions about the reading, take certain electives, go shopping, go fountain hopping, play field/board games. It's super duper fun!

Anyway, I was just reading some fanfiction and JoshRamsay.GrimmFever mentioned my blog, so I'm like really happy now! Yay! If you're reading this, you totally rock!!!!

Just a random question: does anyone understand Borges' story, "The Writing of God"? It makes no sense to me, so yeah. And what are the "seemingly random" fourteen words on the jaguars skin? That story drove me crazy for like 4 days.

Okay, I'm getting bored now, so bye!


  1. That camp is really expensive, you guys suck. Jk but really, why don't you just help deaf hobos of Gary, Indiana with all that money?

    sounds cool though

  2. WOW!, it really is filled with random stuff! Don't know if you remember me from your Let's Read Class. Nathan Schank?? Ring a Bell? You can check out my blog at www.bugxing.blogspot.com If you leave a comment, I can give you the web address to do the picture thing

    Peace Out

