Today, my mom had me doing yard work at 10 a.m. It stunk. When we were using the tarp to carry leaves and branches out to the burn pile, a bunch of the branches scratched me. So I'm not all that happy. On the bright side, my aunt, uncle, and cousin are bringing their dog over today to stay the summer with us! Yay!

Unfortunately, their dog doesn't look like any of these. Apparently, pugs aren't important enough to have their own smiley.
I don't really know why, but right now I'm listening to Bye Bye Bye by 'N Sync. It's a really old song and I'm not a big fan of them, but it's kind of catchy. I've had it stuck in my head like all day and strangely that doesn't bother me. Weird.
I'm watching Even Stevens now! I used to be obsessed with this show. It's a really funny episode where Louis and Twitty are prank calling everybody! Awwww, commercial. I really hate those. There should just be one or two channels just for commercials and then all the rest are for T.V. shows only. That would solve everybody's problems.

Haha! Smileys are fun! I'm also obsessed with cursors now too. They have some pretty cool ones. And some really lame ones. I mean really, who wants their cursor to be a former president? Not me, that's for sure.
These are my favorite smileys:

Aren't they cute? Well, except for the Buckingham Palace guards. They're just funny! Well, I'm running out of stuff to say, so see ya! Or as Fang from Maximum Ride would say, Fly On! Wow, that was kind of random.

You are way too crazy and I bet in a month you wont even come on your blog anymore
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with the whole commercial thing. Like whoever loves commercials (God have mercy on their soul) they can sit and watch it!
Or the one with where they just fast forward all these commercials and then you're done! (w00h00!)
Oh and Even Stevens was a good show before... Then it got old and stuff. But Shia Labeouf is awesome in Transformers!!!!